Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Back, baby!

I had a little blog last year, but it was weird. I started out balls-to-the-wall posting pictures of myself, yet I was constantly terrified (like, diarrhea-terrified. Does that just happen to me?) of someone from my real life finding the blog and being like “Who does she think she is? Who is she trying to impress? Why is she writing like that? That’s not what she sounds like! Wait, is that about me?” etc, etc. (The answers to those accusations being, in order: Jenni, Jill Pilgrim, BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE IT, yuh-huh!, and, probably.)

See, I’m an odd, odd mix of an attention whore and a wallflower. To me, attention is like a fuzzy spider. I’m totally cool if I can see it coming from across the room: “Oh, hey, I see you over there … trying to freak me out, but it’s not working. I’m going to sit here and not give a flying fuck that you’re over there. I laugh in your face.” But if it sneaks up on me? I’ll freak the eff out and rip all my clothes off in a frenzy. In front of my new boyfriend’s family.

But I really missed commenting on other blogs, and don’t want to be a dirty anon. So I’m back. But I’m easing into this guy a little slower. I don’t like to read blogs without pictures (I like to know how cute you are. Oh hush, you do it too.) so I’ll still post them, but I’m going to start with the heads of various celebrities I deem appropriate.


  1. welcome back. post whatever the hell you want. Screw everyone else.

  2. I am so so so glad you're back! I was wondering what happened to you!
